
Saturday, 23 June 2012

Chasing Yellows Fix - TS2012

Please note: Only make changes if you are competent in the scenario editor.

It's been noted that since the recent Service Pack 1 update to TS2012, the scenario "Chasing Yellows" will no longer work as intended. The following is a fix and will be passed to RSC in order to try and get it implemented as an update.

Fire up the editor:-

Set 1A25 to be a "Stopping Passenger" instead of Express.
Set your service to start at 18:05, the scenario start time.

Using the timetable editor, change the instructions to 1A25 to the following.

You will see that I have added one extra instruction but also removed the stopping points and replaced them with Go Via. The latter may not be neccessary, but I am not going to backtrack now and try a different way when this works. Also remember to return to the main menu after making the changes in order to allow the signal states to be reset.

What should happen now is that 1A25 will follow in on a prototypical path, but prior to the old collision point, take the other line and wait at the signal for you to approach and pass. You also don't need to set off like a bat out of hell, and can await the 18:06 time.

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