
Monday, 16 July 2012

Utterly Disgusting

It's not often that something gets under my skin so much that I feel the need to blog it, however, on stumbling across this article this morning, I was absolutely shocked and appalled to see the treatment this passenger had received whilst trying to board a flight out of Birmingham Airport.

Now, I completely understand that an aeroplane is much different than the more accessible trains and buses we have these days, but to subject the passenger to such embarrassment in front of other passengers is something I feel is unacceptable. Particularly the line.......

According to the stewardess it was BMI baby policy that disabled passengers sat in window seats. This was apparently to ensure if there was an incident, passengers would not be impeded.

The full open letter can be found by clicking the link below.

Change Is Needed

It's also worth remembering that we are also approaching the Paralympics which are only a few weeks away.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for also posting this Darren. The person affected was a previous tutor of mine from college
