
Sunday, 23 September 2012

Cresston V4 - The Work Continues

With the first open beta of Cresston V4 now available for all, I decided to concentrate on choosing the next step. As there is now a release out there and with the intention of releasing periodic updates until completion, I cannot really follow the old method of simply flying anywhere on the map and adding bits here and there, there really needed to be a plan formulated. I have decided that for the next beta update, I will concentrate on getting the Crickfield line complete, or as near to complete as possible.

If anyone has taken a look around the uncomplete parts of the route, they may well have seen the part I have been working on today near Falmore where there is a tunnel around 1 mile long. As the route is essentially fictional, DEM does become an issue so any topography around the tunnel has to be modified manually. Anyone recently visiting the area will have seen that the tunnel was just a basic strip of raised land, with two tunnel portals and little else.

This afternoon I have been working on the area with the goal of manually creating the terrain to receive a somewhat natural effect and this can be seen in the screenshots below. In addition to this, I have used the new tunnel occlusion tool to good effect in order to darken the tunnel interior, it actually does go completely pitch black the further you go in.

1 comment:

  1. I have been really enjoying Beta testing this Darren, looking forward to the main release. Thanks !!
