
Friday, 24 January 2014

[DPS] Portsmouth Direct Line – Troubleshooting

If for any reason the route crashes when trying to load elements such as Quick Drive, please try the following. This usually fixes any issue in the majority of cases and is normally down to a corrupt download.

1, Unsubscribe from the route in the Train Simulator 2014 Steam Workshop.

2, Navigate to Program FilesSteam\steamapps\common\railworks\Content\Routes and if the route folder has not already been removed, remove it manually. The folder to delete is: 0f090cba-2f1e-4110-a0c2-2ac143b943d3

3, Go back to the DPSimulation workshop and re-subscribe to the route.

4, Once downloaded, start Train Simulator 2014 and clear the cache via the settings>tools menu.

5, Restart Train Simulator 2014 and the issue should now be resolved.


  1. Hi Darren,
    can you explain how to modify a scenario for PDL ?
    I copy the scenario from PDL directory to [DPS] PDL directory but TS2014 don't display it

  2. Hi Darren
    Carinthia gives me the solution:
    Just after copy of scenario in relevant directory of [DPS] PDL route, I make with RW Tools a clone of scenario with new name: it works fine.
