
Saturday, 15 February 2014

E&G Pack - Dutch Pack Fix

An issue has been brought to my attention regarding the Edinburgh to Glasgow – Early 90's Passenger scenario pack.

On further inspection, it seems that a particular locomotive was used that wasn't included in the Class 37 'Dutch' pack available on the website. This would result in an error on some of the scenarios when trying to load.

I have fixed the issue this morning and re-uploaded the 'Dutch' pack to the server to include this missing locomotive. If you re-download and re-install this pack, the issue should be fixed. The pack can be downloaded from and is called 'Dutch Class 37 Pack' and is located around a third of the way down the page.

Thankyou for your patience on this and apologies if this problem has affected you. More importantly, thankyou for your continued support. I have also personally emailed each customer who had bought this pack to make them aware of the issue and subsequent fix.

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