
Saturday, 15 December 2018

1L14 - 0543 Salisbury to London Waterloo

I have just published a new scenario for Train Simulator on the DPSimulation website.

The scenario is part of a new 'Short Hops' collection on our website, where the scenarios are designed to be no more than 30 minutes in duration. Ideal when you really fancy a drive but haven't got a great deal of spare time. Another advantage to the shorter scenario means that they often also have less requirements.

The first scenario in question is based on a service from Salisbury to London Waterloo using a South West Trains 3-Car Class 159 DMU and will see you drive the section from Woking to the busy terminus and it will take around 25-30 minutes to complete.

Because of the nature of the memory intensive rolling stock that is provided with the London Waterloo to Portsmouth route, along with increased traffic as you get closer to the capital, it is recommended you use the 64-bit version of Train Simulator.

The requirements are as follows:

London Waterloo to Portsmouth - Steam
Network SouthEast Class 159 - Steam
Class 158/159 (Cummins) Enhancement Pack - Armstrong Powerhouse

To download this scenario, please visit our new 'Short Hops' page by clicking here.


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