Monday, 7 November 2011

Cresston V4 - Pre-Release Information

With the release of Cresston V4 coming ever closer, I thought I would share some pre-release information about what to expect and what is included in the release. As the previous incarnations of the route have always seemed to be very well received, hopefully this information will be of interest.

It's worth noting once again from the outset that the payware "WCML North" route is required to run this final version of the route. There are various reasons for this which provide a benefit to me and to the route itself. Naturally, as the core of Cresston V4 is an electrified main line, the catenary from WCML North has completely transformed the visual feel of this particular line and coupled with the wide range of LED signalling, this also provides operational benefits.

Other features include:-

• Over 200 route miles, ranging from the 100 mile electrified main line, to various freight and passenger branches of differing sizes.

• Over 30 passenger stations, all with custom signage and varying amounts of realistic clutter.

• Multiple points of industry, from power stations, container yards, a mail depot, steelworks, logging yard and even a Tesco distribution centre.

• Many community suggested improvements have been implemented, such as an electrified traincare facility to extend scenario functionality.

• Parts of the original dated areas of the route have been improved/rebuilt ro reflect the improvement of route building standards since the release of previous versions.

• Over 100 custom assets with permission for them to be used and packaged with any freeware route.

• The route will come in a single package with all required assets included. Apart from the requirement of WCML North, no further downloads will be required to run the route.

• TS2012 features including custom night lighting utilised over the whole route in several variations with day/night cycle enabled and no shadow casting to improve efficiency. Certain portions of the route have also had track properties modified to reflect differing uneveness of track to help take advantage of the "cab sway" feature.

• 4 engaging scenarios included that utilise default stock alongside the WCML North (required) stock to enable users to run the route "out of the box".

• Further scenarios to be released either alongside the route or shortly afterwards which utilise available payware stock for a more realistic and immersive experience.

• Cresston V4 should continue from previous versions in being able to run on a wide array of systems and specs with the route having been built with efficiency as a top priority.

I still don't have a firm date on release at this moment in time due to the project being completed stage by stage, completely in my spare time. Despite this, I envisage that the route should hopefully be released either shortly before Christmas or early in the New Year at the latest.

Feel free to leave any questions/comments.

1 comment:

  1. Well, You said V4 will go out with a Bang, you certainly have made sure of it! Sounds fantastic Darren, keep up the superb work with this and all your Other projects.
