Friday, 5 January 2018

ThirdRails Community Radar

Some of you may have already seen this posted on both the Steam community forums and others such as UKTrainsim, but I thought i'd feature it here in the blog as another way of gathering interest in the project.

The third party tool in question is the ThirdRails map tool, and one aspect of in particular that has really gained my interest is the community radar. In short, anyone running this tool can broadcast their position on the world map and those viewing the map can see who is there and what speed they are currently running. By clicking on a user you can also see what rolling stock they are driving as well as following them as they make their journey.

The screenshot above is just a quick screengrab from earlier this afternoon and shows 11 users driving around various routes in the UK. As this is still a beta project and is therefore entirely experimental, there are times when the radar is very quiet but I have seen people in other countries broadcasting their position, such as in Germany and the Netherlands.

One of the reasons I am posting this is because of these quiet periods, basically the more users there are broadcasting then the better it can be! So share this blog post, tell everyone about it but more importantly, download and install the tool and broadcast your position. It would be fantastic to see a world map full of users driving multiple routes in all different types of rolling stock.

The ThirdRails main site can be found by clicking here.

The more detailed explanation of the radar can be found by clicking here.

The radar itself can be viewed by clicking here.

Just an additional bit of information after running and broadcasting for 40 minutes or so between Hartlepool and Northallerton. As you can see, i've put the software alongside Train Simulator to show how it recorded my journey.


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